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2021-2022 End Of Year Report

Look Inside EMBARC


In the ten years after EMBARC was founded by a network of volunteers, we’ve faced some big challenges side-by-side with communities across Iowa. In this year’s end-of-year report, we’re celebrating the accomplishments of Navigators, volunteers and our staff through a beautiful 44-page magazine. Click to read the report.

We have big plans for the next decade of work - read a letter from Abigail Sui below. Thank you for joining us on this journey!


A message from Executive Director Abigail Sui


Dear friends and supporters,

Nearly ten years ago, I resettled in Iowa as a Chin refugee from Burma. I was disheartened to see my community’s struggle and the barriers they faced. Barriers to basic needs, like food and shelter; accessing education and medical care; understanding their workplace rights; and finding support.

But the more I understood these frustrating barriers, I also witnessed the unwavering hope and connection within our community. I saw it in a mother, who, after a long shift at the meatpacking plant, supported a line of people outside her apartment by reading mail and paperwork. I witnessed this in a high school student, who missed school to take their family and neighbor to doctors’ appointments, and helped teach English on Saturdays.

I saw the struggle – and the hope. The barriers – and the effort to overcome. The hardship – and the deep connection and support within our community.

Because of this, it was easy to join as one of the founding staff members at EMBARC. It was an honor to put my support behind every person doing their best to make a difference. As a staff of three and a small group of dedicated volunteers from our community, we knew things could be better, and we were determined to try.

Today, our staff, volunteers, and advocates have made real changes in Iowa. We have seen transformations in our schools, workplaces, and most importantly, in our vision of what is possible for our future.

My sincerest gratitude goes to all our long-term partnerships with school districts, local government, social services, and small businesses. You are too numerous to name, but know that your support has changed lives, and for some, it is not a stretch to say – has saved lives.

After leading our family services program for the last seven years, I am honored to now step in as Executive Director and guide our work in the next chapter. I am incredibly proud to be supported by our Board of Directors, formerly the Burma Community Advisory Board. It is remarkable to witness how our separate, ethnic Burma communities came together to build a vision over the years. Their faith and support bring an energizing force to the continuing work of EMBARC.

With gratitude,

Abigail Sui


Abigail Sui, Executive Director



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