Services — EMBARC
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Find a service to help

Finding a place to live and making it your home are two different things. These EMBARC services not only help refugees learn their way around but also empower them to become engaged and productive members of the community.


Burmese: 515-421-0487

Karen: 515-473-0977

Chin languages: 515-421-0354

Karenni: 515-414-4111




LANGUAGE HelplineS and Access Center

The multilingual EMBARC Language Helplines and Access Center aim to connect refugees and immigrants in central Iowa to resources and information in their native languages.


Crisis and Advocacy Services

Crisis and Advocacy Services strives to empower survivors and their families through culturally- and linguistically-appropriate services and support. We provide community-based crisis interventions, comprehensive integrated services and peer-to-peer learning to victims of crime and violence.


EARLY CHILDHOOD Parent Navigator

While refugee parents are finding their own way in a new place, they don’t stop being parents. They need to raise their children in a way that respects their heritage while also preparing them for their new community.


EMBARC Food Pantry

EMBARCs Monthly Food Pantry brings culturally appropriate, Asian focused foods into the hands of food insecure families. More than just a normal pantry, EMBARC focuses on foods that are both nutritional and are items that refugee families know how to cook.


Education & Classes


Community-Based English As a Second Language Classes (CBESL) with Citizenship focus

The Community-Based English as a Second Language (CBESL) program breaks barriers students face in traditional classrooms, by delivering English language learning opportunities in a community-based setting that is designed to help prepare students to test for citizenship.




Interpretation Services

With a team of interpreters fluent in up to 25 different languages, EMBARC can provide refugees with access to linguistic and culturally-relevant support to help them navigate health care, education and immigration services and systems.