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How EMBARC serves Communities


“he wasn’t sure how they were going to pay rent, buy food, and pay their other bills without his pay.”


“My client was the only person in the home working - his wife had cancer and was unable to work. Recently he had also been diagnosed with lung cancer. He works at a meatpacking plant and after learning that many of his co-workers tested positive for COVID-19, was scared to continue to go to work. When the the plant closed, he wasn’t sure how they were going to pay rent, buy food, and pay their other bills without his pay. I helped him apply for general assistance, unemployment, food stamps, and Iowa’s Family Investment Program for more help. They were approved for everything they applied for. Now, my client doesn’t have to worry about how to pay for things and can focus on his health and his family.”

-Van Bawi


“My client was trying to apply for unemployment benefits, but was denied. I worked with Abigail and was able to set up a call with an IWD employee, my client, and myself where the IWD employee explained that the birthday on my client’s weekly claim wasn’t correct. Many members of the refugee community have a January 1st birthday, but my client didn’t have a January 1st birthday. The wrong birthday had been put on their application. We were able to explain the error and fix my client’s birthday on the phone with the IWD employee and my client’s unemployment benefits were approved. My client told me afterwards, ‘Thank you, Lee Meh. We couldn’t live without EMBARC.’”

-Lee Meh


“‘We couldn’t live without EMBARC.’”


“After four weeks, my client’s claim was still in the ‘determination’ process.”


"Recently, I helped a client apply for unemployment benefits. After four weeks, my client’s claim was still in the ‘determination’ process. My client couldn’t wait any longer for their unemployment benefits. I called Iowa Workforce Development to try to find out what was taking so long. My client needed to submit proof of identity - but no notice from IWD was given. I was able to help my client provide proof of ID and they received their unemployment benefits shortly after that."

-Abigail Sui


 Our END-oF-Year Report


Polk County Crisis ResponsE


Waterloo Crisis ResponsE

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COVID-19 Impact Report

When the pandemic hit, we shifted into crisis mode—to get the word out about the virus in 10-13 different languages and to respond to families affected by the pandemic, including those who lost jobs, faced eviction, needed food, struggled with virtual schooling, and required medical assistance.

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Crisis Helpline and Virtual Access Center

EMBARC worked frantically to establish a helpline to address the barriers faced by immigrants and refugees in accessing critical and lifesaving resources.

Run by a multi-ethnic team of immigrant and refugee community members who collectively speak more than 25 languages and dialects, the Helpline provides holistic, virtual case management and follow-up services to callers.

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News Updates and In-Depth Resource Videos

EMBARC launched a series of news updates and in-depth resource videos in more than 10 languages with essential health information, as well as updates from the Iowa Department of Public Health, school districts, emergency response centers, and more. For many, EMBARC’s updates were their sole source of news in their language.

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Essential Services

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