Severe weather alerts: BFF Access Center closed today, December 15


Severe weather alert from EMBARC!

We have severe weather forecasts for this afternoon, and some school districts are releasing classes early for safety. Today's wind storm may cause wind speeds of up to 75 miles per hour, which is the same speed as last year's derecho storm in Des Moines. This storm can cause damage. Wind speeds will cause dangerous driving conditions on the road. High wind speeds may cause some neighborhoods to lose power, so make sure your cell phones and other mobile devices are charged, and your flashlights have batteries.

The Burma Family Focus Access Center, located at the Franklin office in Des Moines, will be CLOSED today.

The Des Moines Public School District will dismiss classes early at 12:40 p.m. for elementary schools, and 1:25 p.m. for middle schools and high schools. COVID-19 testing sites will be closed.

Some areas in Iowa may be at risk for tornadoes. Please stay inside despite the warm weather to avoid falling tree branches or potential issues with power lines.

If you hear a loud siren in your community, go inside immediately to take shelter from dangerous conditions. Turn on your local TV news Channel 5 ( or Channel 8 ( for the latest news. If a tornado is spotted in your area, take shelter immediately in a basement. If your home does not have a basement, take shelter in a bathroom or closet with no windows.

Please CALL the Burma Family Focus Helplines if you need assistance:

Burmese: 515-207-9442

Chin: 515-512-1887

Karen: 515-512-1883

Karenni: 515-512-1884